Change the world by enjoying the outdoors

  1. To visit and to build lasting realitionsships to indigenous communities in the Amazon

  2. To join traditional ceremonies and imerse in a deep healing process

  3. To decolonize our history

  4. To bring together leaders of a new generation while creating exponential projects by working in networks

  5. To run a kickass campaign through recording our collective learning experience

  6. To tell breath-taking stories on regenerative models, the transformation of society and collaborative economy

  7. To get sunburned in the most impressive biodiversity while listening to stories of elders and other participants

  8. To develop fair exchanges with traditional communities that benefit participants and collaborators involved. (Let’s plant some trees!)

  9. Being bitten by mosquitos at night while healers introduce you to your spirits

  10. To create tangible results applying our learning and to enhance knowledge exchange at a local and global level

  11. To learn what Açaí is and why it is eaten with fish

  12. To solve a collective case study with about our climatic break down while developing educational material for the regeneration of the planet

  13. To celebrate life and to start future collaboration projects based on trustful relationships